hope you have some Kleenex handy...
…because this is some hot sexy food porn right here.
R just sent me her pictures from our Co Co Sala dinner, and since they came out much better than mine did, I’m posting them here (with her permission) for your delectation.
God, just looking at these is giving me a moistie. Anyone got a cigarette?

R’s dinner. I may not be remembering this correctly, but I believe that’s the blue cheese burger and the crispy Louisiana crabcake.

A better view of my dessert. From left: Kahlua, a chipotle chocolate square, espresso sorbet, and the fiery chocolate soufflé.

Churros and dulce de leche dip.

Chocolate-infused horchata (with a Pocky stirrer!) and a Mexican wedding cookie.

The first course of Childhood Favorites: a miniature Boston cream donut (waaaaant) and cappuccino panna cotta. (We weren’t sure what cappuccino had to do with kids, but whatever.)

Whole lot of fuckin’ yum in this picture. From left: the malted shooter (which R gave me, and which was fabulous), a cupcake, something I cannot identify (I’m looking at the menu for reference while I type this, and it’s not listed; I think it was something peanut buttery), and a Bananas Foster split.

And finally, we have a miniature mint chocolate chip cone (served in a glass full of chocolate chips to keep it standing upright), a strawberry cheesecake and Pop Rocks lolly, and another cupcake. R took one bite of the cone and said, “Okay, there’s some weird fuckin’ herb or something in here. What the hell is that?” So she passed it around, and all of us took a bite, and we agreed that it indeed had some weird fuckin’ herb in it, but we couldn’t identify it. It kind of tasted like Herbal Essences shampoo (the original green stuff with the hippie chick on the label) smells. So that wasn’t a huge hit, but everything else was.
Anyway, more DC fun to come; I've been pretty busy at work (I KNOW, the nerve!), but I'm working on my recaps and will post them as soon as they're done.
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