(EDIT) 20mg of Xanax, STAT
When I woke up this morning, I had a voicemail from Daddy-O waiting for me, and...
...ready for this?
You know the quaint little B&B where he and A are getting married in less than a month?
Fortunately nobody was hurt, but needless to say, he and A are absolutely wigging out.
Anybody in New Jersey want to rent out their backyard next month? Bruce Springsteen, are you reading this? Snooki?
Crisis averted! Daddy-O and A found a lovely new venue for their wedding. Fortuitously, they happened to be in New Jersey at the time of the fire, so they were able to track down a new place personally. It's only six blocks from the original location, which is convenient.
In other news, G is back from his Passover trip to New Mexico, and last night I got to see him for the first time in almost two weeks. Need I even mention that I wigged the fuck out upon seeing him again? I needn't. Don't get me wrong, I had a good and intensely decadent weekend by myself. I read a huge stack of magazines and 2 books, ate the fuck out of my feelings (chicken picatta + spaghettini in lemon butter sauce + a glass of wine = sheer happiness), slept more than is reasonably necessary, and watched season 1 of The Killing, which was so. Fucking. Good. I absolutely loved the shit out of it. And I don't know why people were bitching so hard about the ending of the first season. Come on, why wouldn't it end with a cliffhanger? You want people to come back for the second season too!
...where was I? Oh yeah. Anyway, although I had a good weekend, I missed the hell out of G, so I'm very happy he's back. We've got a ton of shows to clear off his DVR and 4 movies to keep us busy. Plus the weather is intense right now: heavy rain, thunder, and lightning. Aside from food runs, I doubt we'll leave the house at all.
Oh, and I almost forgot except not really because I was saving it for last, this came from Amazon yesterday:

Not only is it extremely appropriate considering the weather---the enemies are more numerous and more difficult when it rains in the game, which ought to add an extra layer of scary when I'm playing it tonight---but it's the first new Silent Hill game in three years.

My body is ready!
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