Iceland part 2: 10/24/05
On Monday, we took the Golden Circle tour. It's a cliche to be sure, but a picture's worth a thousand words, so here's 1100 words. Mouse over the pictures for relevant info. (Please note that Icelandic has some characters that we don't, so I used phonetic spelling where necessary.)

After the bus dropped us off at the hotel, we walked downtown to the Kringlan Mall, where we admired the beautiful clothes in the windows and the unbelievably attractive people walking around. I swear, Icelanders all look as though they've just stepped out of a shower; they're living Lever 2000 ads.
We walked from the mall to the Pearl and had dinner in the snack bar. I had a small poppyseed roll with ham, cheese, and butter; it was quite good, although not particularly filling, so I plumped for a small piece of cake as well. Then R and I went out to the observation deck and stared at the glittering lights of Reykjavik until fatigue overcame us, and we tromped back down the hill to our hotel.
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